The Last Ride

Large Animal Removal and Disposal


Preventing Your Horse from Getting Sunburned

Horses have a unique set of needs when it comes to their care and health, and one important aspect that often gets overlooked is protecting them from sunburn. Just like humans, horses can suffer from painful and damaging sunburns if not properly protected. Although they may have thick coats and spend most of their time outdoors, horses still need protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays. So, how can you prevent sunburn in your horse and keep them happy and healthy?

Firstly, it’s important to understand which areas of a horse are most susceptible to sunburn. The parts of their body with less hair or lighter colored hair, such as the nose, ears, and white markings, are more prone to sun damage. These areas have less natural protection from the sun’s rays and are more likely to burn.

The first step in preventing sunburn is to provide shade for your horse. Whether it’s a shelter or trees, giving them a place to escape the direct sunlight is essential. If there is no natural shade available, consider using a fly sheet or UV-blocking blanket on your horse when they are outside.

Next, make sure to apply sunscreen specifically designed for horses on the vulnerable areas of their body. The sunscreen should have an SPF of at least 30 and be safe for use on animals. It’s important to reapply the sunscreen every few hours, especially if your horse is sweating or in water.

In addition to physical protection, proper nutrition can also play a role in preventing sunburn in horses. Feeding them a diet high in antioxidants and fatty acids can help strengthen their skin and provide additional protection against the sun’s harmful rays.

Regular grooming is also important, as it removes dirt, sweat, and natural oils that can decrease the effectiveness of sunscreen or protective blankets. Grooming also helps to distribute natural oils on the horse’s coat, providing more protection from the sun.

Finally, pay attention to weather forecasts and schedule activities for your horse during cooler times of the day. This will help to minimize their exposure to direct sunlight during peak UV hours.

In conclusion, sunburn in horses is a preventable issue with proper care and attention. By providing shade, using sunscreen, implementing good nutrition and grooming practices, and scheduling activities during cooler times of the day, you can keep your horse safe and healthy in the sun. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to protecting your horse from the damaging effects of sunburn. So this summer, take extra care to protect your equine friend from the harmful UV rays and enjoy a happy and healthy season together.

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Saying Farewell To Your Beloved Pet – Part 3

Memorial Services

If you’re looking for a way to memorialize your pet, there are several options available. You can have a special urn made or look into planting a tree in their memory. Another option is to hold an outdoor service with family and friends, where you can share memories and stories about your beloved pet. Doing so will provide closure and help ensure that your pet will never be forgotten.

No matter how you decide to remember your pet, keep in mind that they will forever hold a special place in your heart. Take the time to grieve and eventually your sorrow will pass, allowing you to celebrate the life of your furry friend once again.

So go ahead – smile through the tears, laugh at all the good memories, and be sure to give your pet a proper goodbye.


Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is never easy, but there are ways to make the process more bearable. Utilizing services from an animal removal company can ensure that your pet receives a respectful death with no complications due to their size. Talk to family members and children about the process of saying goodbye, and give yourself time to grieve. Once your pet has passed away, share your memories with others online or through a story, and celebrate the life you shared with them. Memorial services are also an excellent way to commemorate your furry friend and keep their memory alive.

Remember – as heartbreaking as it may be to say goodbye, the love between you and your pet will never fade away. So go ahead – smile through the tears, laugh at all the good memories, and be sure to give your pet a proper farewell. With time, you can find peace in the knowledge that their life was full of joy and love.

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Saying Farewell To Your Beloved Pet – Part 2

Share Your Pet’s Memory with Others

Once your pet has passed away, it can be a comfort to share your memories of them with others. You can create a memorial page online or write a story about your pet that you can share with family and friends. Doing so is an excellent way to celebrate the life of your beloved pet and keep the memory alive.

Saying goodbye to your pet is never easy, but with the proper preparation and support from family and friends, you can make sure that you give them a proper farewell.

Grieving for Your Pet

Although it is normal to feel grief after saying goodbye to a pet, keep in mind that this experience does not last forever. Your pet may be gone, but the bond you shared will stay with you for a lifetime. If needed, do not hesitate to seek counseling or talk to friends and family about your feelings. With time and support, you will eventually heal and find peace in the memory of your pet’s life.

Celebrate the Life of Your Pet

In the aftermath of euthanizing your pet, it can be a comfort to celebrate their life. You can hang up a memorial plaque or create a photo collage of all your favorite memories with your furry friend. Doing this will help you remember the good times that you shared and honor the legacy of your beloved pet.

By following these tips as you saying goodbye to your pet, you will be able to ensure that they receive a respectful and peaceful death. Doing so may not make the experience any easier, but it can provide some comfort during such a difficult time. Try to remember that even though your pet is gone, the love between the two of you will never fade away.

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Saying Farewell To Your Beloved Pet – Part 1

Having to say goodbye to a beloved pet, no matter how big or small, is never easy. If you find yourself faced with having to euthanize your pet, here are a few tips to make the process more bearable.

Prepare for the Goodbye

If you have time, it is important to take some time and think about how and where you would like to say your final goodbye. For larger animals, this means considering not only a comfortable scenario but also taking into account any logistical issues, such as how to transport the body. Utilizing a large animal removal services company can help ensure your pet is respected in death and that there will be no complications due to the size of their carcass.

Keep Family Members Informed

Make sure family members are kept up-to-date throughout the process and talk to them about any special requests they might have. For those who have children, this could be their first experience with death and it is important to take extra steps to help them cope. Talking to them and finding books about saying goodbye to a pet may be beneficial.

Decide if You Want To Be Present

Some pet owners want to be with their pets until the very end, while others may not wish to see the exact moment of passing. Ultimately, you have to decide what is best for you and your pet.

The Last Ride is a Phoenix animal removal service that prides themselves on handling animals with utmost respect and dignity. They are dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable environment for those saying goodbye to their beautiful pets.

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Burying Your Beloved Pet with a Professional Phoenix Horse Removal Service

Phoenix horse removal can be a difficult process. Due to the size and weight of your beloved pet, simply moving the animal is impossible without the proper equipment. Similarly, finding the proper way to dispose of the animal can be difficult, particularly when it comes to knowing and understanding state and local laws regarding the proper disposal and burial of large animals.

Phoenix Horse Removal Service

Thanks to a change in the law that took place in 2000, it is now possible to bury your horse after its death. To utilize this option, however, your pet must be buried at a certified facility. This ensures the burial adheres to all of the regulations put in place by state and environmental departments. With over seven years of experience in large animal removal and disposal, The Last Ride has all of the proper connections to ensure your horse receives the burial you desire.

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With the help of The Last Ride, you don’t have to worry about getting caught up in local regulations or finding the equipment to transport your deceased pet. With our timely and compassionate service, we will remove your pet in a respectful manner while also getting it properly buried in an attractive and environmentally-friendly manner. Of course, if you have made other arrangements for the disposal of your pet, we will also transport your deceased horse to the proper facilities to complete your arrangements see this.


The Last Ride: Offering Reliable and Caring Services for the Removal of Your Beloved Pet

Removal of Your Beloved Pet: Coping with the loss of a beloved pet is difficult, but the loss can be made even more difficult when the pet is a horse, mule, donkey or other large animal. If you are facing the loss of a large animal at your home, you need a service that will treat you and your pet with love and respect while also getting your deceased pet removed as quickly and easily as possible.

Removal of Your Beloved Pet

At The Last Ride, we know what it is like to face the loss of a large pet. As pet owners ourselves, we have felt the pain of the loss and experienced the difficult process of removing our deceased pet from our property. For this reason, we are pleased to offer our services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Our goal is to make the process as easy for you as possible.

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When calling The Last Ride to handle the removal of your deceased pet, you can count on us to provide a professional, compassionate and affordable Arizona large animal removal service. Our services include removing the carcass, transporting the carcass for burial or cremation as well as transportation to a facility for Necropsy or any other arrangements you may have made for your beloved pet.


Horse Cremation: Sending Your Pet Away with a Respectful Goodbye

The Last Ride AZ Provides Respectful Horse Cremation

The loss of your horse can be a very emotional and traumatic experience. To help you through the grieving process while also paying the proper respects to your beloved horse, you may wish to explore your horse cremation options.Generally speaking, you will have two options when having your horse cremated. One option is to have your horse’s remains cremated privately, which means your horse will be individually cremated so you may receive the ashes and place them in an urn. Another option is to have your horse cremated in a communal cremation.

With this option, your horse is cremated along with other animals and spread in a respectful manner along with the other pets. Obviously, this option does not provide you with the opportunity to retain your horse’s ashes, but it still offers a great way to give your horse a respectful ending.

If you have decided that horse cremation is the right option for you and your pet, contact The Last Ride to assist with the removal and transport of your horse. We will treat your pet in a respectful manner throughout the entire process as we ensure it is properly delivered to the facility of your choosing.

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Summer heat affects equestrian equipment, activities and horse health

Summer has officially arrived, and with it comes warmer temperatures that can have a major impact on equestrian equipment, activities, and most importantly the health of horses.

The heat and humidity of summer can cause an array of issues for both people and their horses. It is important to be aware of the potential problems so that safety measures are taken before an accident or injury occurs.

When it comes to equestrian equipment, the excess heat can cause items such as saddles and bridles to become brittle and break more easily when under pressure. This is why it is important to keep a close eye on any of these items that may be exposed to the elements for extended periods of time. They should be inspected regularly for any signs of wear and tear and replaced if needed.

The heat can also have an effect on the type of activities that are available to horse owners during the summer months. Riding in hot temperatures can be dangerous as it puts both the rider and the horse at risk of heat stroke, exhaustion, or dehydration. If riding is necessary, make sure to keep it short and stick to shady trails as much as possible. It is also wise to schedule rides early or late in the day when temperatures are lower.

The heat and humidity of summer can have a major impact on leather equestrian equipment. The excess heat in the air can cause it to become dry and brittle. This results in cracking, which not only affects its appearance but also makes it more likely to break under pressure. To prevent this from happening, leather should be conditioned regularly using special oils or balms and stored in a cool, dry place when not in use.

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Experience Nature Like Never Before: Horseback Riding in July

Summer is just around the corner and with it comes the chance to enjoy some of the best outdoor activities, including horseback riding.

July offers a great way for people to get outside and explore nature on horseback in many different settings.

For those new to horseback riding, there are many beginner-friendly trails that will provide a safe and enjoyable experience. Experienced riders can also find more challenging terrain to explore, like rocky mountains and secret forests that provide an adrenaline-filled ride.

The weather in July is usually agreeable for horseback riding, but it’s still important to prepare yourself accordingly. Take the time to check the temperature before you go out and dress appropriately so you don’t get too hot or too cold. Pack some snacks and water to keep your energy up while you ride, and don’t forget your sunscreen!

No matter the level of experience, horseback riding is a great way to make the most out of July’s beautiful weather. What better way to explore nature than on the back of a majestic horse? So if you’re looking for an adventure this July, consider taking a horseback riding excursion. You won’t regret it!

With the right planning and preparation, you can create an unforgettable experience with horseback riding in July. So don’t wait – go out and explore the wonders of nature on the back of a horse this summer!

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Exercising Horses in Hot Summer Weather: Tips for Safety and Comfort

Exercising horses in hot summer weather can be a difficult task.

The heat and high humidity can quickly take its toll on your horse, leaving them feeling fatigued and uncomfortable. Here are some tips to help you safely exercise your horse during the hot summer months:

1. Start early or late to avoid the hottest part of the day. Try to plan your rides either early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are much cooler.

2. Make sure your horse is well-hydrated before and after exercising. Offer water before and after each ride, as dehydration can lead to serious health problems for horses.

3. Take frequent breaks while riding in the heat and give your horse a chance to cool down. Riding in the heat can be tough on your horse, so give them plenty of breaks and time to cool off.

4. Make sure your horse is wearing a fly sheet or blanket if necessary. Not only will this help to keep your horse cooler, but it will also protect against pesky flies that may irritate or bite them while exercising in the heat.

5. Weather permitting, exercise in an area with plenty of shade or near a body of water like a lake or river. The shade and cool water can help to keep your horse cool while still getting them some exercise.

Exercising horses in the summer months doesn’t have to be daunting if you take the appropriate precautions! By following these tips, you can ensure that your horse stays safe and comfortable while getting the exercise they need.

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