The Last Ride Discusses Caring For Cattle

Caring for cattle involves knowing what and how to feed them properly. While cows primarily eat grass and can be grazed in pastures, it is also sometimes necessary to supplement their diets with hay, silage, and grain. This is particularly true for cows that are raised in a dry-lot or sacrifice area.

Caring for CattleIn areas where snow is not a concern, such as is the case in Arizona, winter grazing is a practical option for many cattle farmers. This is a sustainable and cost-saving option that gets the cattle out of the corrals and onto the fields during the winter months. Some winter grazing practices include bale grazing, swath grazing, and stockpile grazing. Another option is to engage in rational grazing practices, which involves grazing cattle on pasture, which better utilizes grazing space and helps to distribute the manure more evenly than is the case with continuous grazing.

It is also important to keep water and mineral available for your cattle. Mineral can be in the form of loose mineral with salt or a salt block. With the type of food cattle consume, they have a high salt requirement. Be sure to have salt continually available.
Even with the best of care, there are times when cattle die unexpectedly. In this case, you can count on The Last Ride Arizona to remove the cattle carcass in a professional and efficient manner. Contact us today to learn more!