A Healthy Diet for Your Beloved Horse is essential to keeping your pet or large animal at optimal condition.

Horses are quite large animals. While healthy nutrition is the basic right of any animal, large animals have more intricate requirements. The diet you plan for your beloved horse should be able to fulfil the energy requirements of its large body. Just like in humans, the nutrition requirement needs to be adjusted as your horse gradually approaches a mature age from being a foal.

Here are a few tips to remember when feeding your horse:

  • Grazing is an essential part of the horse’s nature. Be sure to maintain this habit but feed smaller amounts
  • Make sure to buy quality hay or forage and add as a basic for all feeding programs
  • Don’t suddenly make any changes to your horse’s diet. Introduce changes over a period of 7 to 10 days. This will help the digestive system to adjust in a healthy manner
  • Clean drinking water should be available freely to horse throughout all seasons. Don’t think that eating snow can be an alternative to drinking water in the winter
  • Just like among humans, the bodily needs of a horse may differ from another. This requires that you pay attention to individual diet needs
  • To determine the diet needs of a specific horse, do pay attention to body condition assessment
  • The body condition score must be maintained between 4 and 5 depending on the 9-point scale. 1 is counted as extremely thin while 9 is quite fat
  • The diet must be regularly adjusted to maintain this score
  • Horses naturally require pasture. Therefore, you must maintain a sufficient and healthy pasture
  • Maintain 3 to 5 acres of pasture during the summer
  • The pasture in spring is more nutrition rich that the growth in summer or fall
  • Mature horses may need to be restricted on pasture intake to prevent obesity
  • Overfeeding in horses is a more common occurrence than underfeeding
  • Keep alsike clover out of the pasture to prevent liver damage and photosensitivity among horses

Large Animal Removal ServiceMaintaining a Healthy Mix of Nutrients

  • Horse need energy as a basic component of their feeds. This energy is stored as fat in their bodies. A lack of energy may lead to weight loss; preventing growth in young Use good-quality hay and add oats as the main choice of grain to the feed. However, keep feeding amounts small to avoid digestive issues
  • The muscles in a horse’s body are composed of protein. Legume hays are high in protein while grass hay is low in those terms. But grass hay will meet the protein requirements of a mature horse
  • Keep the minerals in balance as well for your horse. Also, horses have high appetite for salt, which is sodium and chloride

The Last Ride

After managing your horse’s health all its life, there is no doubt you want to give it an appropriate farewell. Use our large animal removal services to arrange a respectable burial for your beloved horse.

The large animal removal is available in Phoenix, Arizona at market competitive rates.