Many people do not realize that there are two major families of beef cattle: the Bos taurus and the Bos Indicus. Those that are in the Bos indicus family are different from Bos taurus in that they feature a musculo-fatty hump, short sleek coats and a pendulous dewlap. This family of beef cattle, which originated from southern Asia, is also better suited to hot temperate regions due to their high heat tolerance and resistance to tick fever. The following are some of the breeds found in this family of beef cattle.

Belmont Red

Originally from Queensland, the Belmont Red is 50 percent Africander, 25 percent Hereford and 25 percent Shorthorn. This horned breed is red in color.


Characterized by its silver-grey coat, this horned breed is originally from the United States. The breed calves easily and milks well. 


50 percent Hereford and 50 percent Brahman, the Braford was developed in Queensland and produces good yearling and steer carcasses. 


Developed from the 62.5 percent Angus and the 37.5 percent Brahman, the medium-sized Brangus is black in color and does not have excess fat. 


Originally from Queensland, the Droughtmaster is 37.5 percent to 50 percent Brahman and 50 percent to 62.5 percent Shorthorn with a bit of Red Poll and Hereford. The breed is horned or polled and red in color. 

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