The Last Ride Provides Respectful Large Animal Removal, including Llamas

Feeding Your Llamas information from The Last Ride

As an animal that evolved to consume poor-quality forage, Feeding Your Llamas raised in the United States on pastures have a tendency to get fat. For this reason, it is often necessary to restrict their access to pastures, particularly in the spring when forage is lush. On the other hand, when pasture quality is too poor to support llamas, it is necessary to supplement their feed. Generally speaking, a high-quality grass hay is the best option. Oat hay is not recommended because it may contribute to mechanical ulcers in llamas, while alfalfa is too rich for their digestive system.

A healthy, nonworking llama should consume about 1.2 percent in dry matter of its bodyweight. If your llamas are eating hay, it is a sign that you are feeding too much. On the other hand, if it is eating all that you are leaving, you might want to try feeding a bit more to ensure your llamas are getting enough to eat. Keep in mind that the amount your llama eats can change seasonally, so keep a close eye on how much is being consumed and make adjustments as necessary.

Regardless of how well you care for your llamas, the time may come when one passes away and needs to be removed from your property. In this case, you can trust The Last Ride to remove your llama remains in a respectful and efficient manner.