Being a horse owner requires taking on many responsibilities. Figuring out ways to simplify your horse care responsibilities will help to save time while also giving you more opportunity to enjoy spending time with your horse.

Saving Time on Feeding

To help save on time with feeding your horse, it is a good idea measure your horse’s meals for the entire week all at one time. Simply purchase a set of scales and some small buckets that you can label for each meal. Then, simply grab the right bucket and dump it when you are ready to feed your horse!

Keeping the Stall Clean

Keeping your horse’s stall clean is essential. Some find it to be easier to do some light cleaning throughout the week with the intention of removing and replacing all of the bedding at the end of the week. Others find it more beneficial to thoroughly clean every day. Whichever method you use, be sure you are removing all wet and soiled patches each day and while the horse is out of the stable. 

Providing Hay

You can also simplify caring for your horse with the help of a haynet. Your horse needs to have enough hay to last throughout the night. Preparing haynets for the entire week all in one day can help you save time on busy days.

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