The Last Ride

Large Animal Removal and Disposal


Treating Laminitis in Your Horse

Once you recognize the symptoms of laminitis and have properly diagnosed the condition, it is essential to begin treating laminitis as soon as possible. Not only will treatment help to alleviate the pain for your horse, but it will also reduce the risk of long-term or permanent damage. As such, steps you can take to treat laminitis include:

  • Treating Laminitis in Your HorseStep 1: Move the horse to a smaller pen with deep bedding of sand, shavings or cardboard. The bedding should be deep enough to mould into the hood and around the frog in order to provide ample support.
  • Step 2: Remove feed and adhere to a proper diet to ensure the horse reaches or maintains the proper weight.
  • Step 3: Ensure fresh, clean water is always available within the pen.
  • Step 4: Minimize stress by ensuring there is a companion nearby and otherwise taking measures to keep the horse comfortable.
  • Step 5: If x-rays deem it necessary, you may need to contact a farrier to correct the rotation and ensure the feet are in the best condition to assist with recovery. This should be done under the guidance and supervision of a veterinarian.

While it may seem helpful to lead your horse to a stream or to hose its hooves with cold water, this is not a proper step to take for treating laminitis. While it may initially make your horse feel more comfortable, exposure to prolonged cold can actually make the condition worse. Rather, your goal should be to provide your horse with a space that is comfortably cool.