The Last Ride

Large Animal Removal and Disposal


In Arizona, What do I do when my horse dies?

Do I contact for help?

Yes, can provide you with assistance when your horse dies in Arizona. They specialize in providing compassionate and dignified end of life services for horses. Their service includes arranging transportation and cremation of the deceased animal, as well as offering grief counseling and other resources to owners who have lost their beloved horse. Once contacted, they will work closely with you to ensure that all arrangements are made quickly and respectfully. To learn more about the services provided by, or to contact them directly for help, please visit their website at

When a horse or large animal pet dies, owners may have many questions about how to handle the situation. Questions may include what to do with the remains, how to ensure that their pet is respectfully cared for, and how to manage grief and other emotions associated with the loss. Additionally, owners may want to know whether there are legal requirements they must adhere to when dealing with the deceased animal. It is important to seek out answers and support from knowledgeable professionals in order to ensure that all of these aspects are handled properly. With the right help, you can ensure your beloved pet receives proper treatment even after death.

Online resources such as provide compassionate services specifically designed for horses and large animals in Arizona. With these resources at your disposal, you can ensure that your beloved pet receives respectful care even after death. Visit to learn more about the services they offer and how they can help make this difficult time a little easier.

Contact us today, we can help. 



Importance Of Horse Shoeing

Importance Of Horse Shoeing – Horse shoeing is an important part of horse care and maintenance. It helps keep the hooves healthy, protects them from wear and tear, and allows them to perform better. Having well-shod horses provides more traction on a variety of surfaces, reduces slipping and strain on the feet, and offers additional protection for the foot structures. Additionally, shoes can be set with nails or other materials to provide even greater support in certain situations. In order to ensure that your horse’s hooves are correctly shod, it’s important to have a qualified farrier take care of this task.

The farrier should be experienced in all types of shoeing – from therapeutic applications to performance shoeing – so they know exactly how to ensure your horse’s hooves are healthy and sound. Properly shod horses are able to perform better, have fewer issues with their feet, and maintain the health of their hooves for a longer period of time. Investing in quality farrier services on a regular basis is an important part of responsible horse ownership.

The Last Ride Arizona is a full-service equine transportation company based out of Arizona. They offer a variety of services to help horse owners and riders with their large animal removal needs. Their experienced team of drivers are knowledgeable in respectfully transporting your pet for burial or cremation.

The Last Ride Arizona provides large animal removal services when it is time to say goodbye to your deceased pet or large animal. Contact us today, we can help. 



What Are Some Important Qualities Of A Good Farrier?

What Are Some Important Qualities Of A Good Farrier? Good farriers possess several important qualities, including physical strength, knowledge of horse anatomy and hoof care, and the ability to work with horses in a calm and professional manner. Farriers must be able to physically lift the horse’s foot up high enough for them to reach it from all angles, as well as be able to maneuver the large tools that are needed for trimming, cleaning, and shaping. Additionally, farriers must have a thorough understanding of horse anatomy and hoof care in order to provide quality services. Finally, good farriers need to be patient with horses and knowledgeable enough to work with them safely while providing the best possible care.

Where can I find a good Farrier for my horse?

The best way to find a good Farrier for your horse is to ask around at local horse shows, riding clubs, and other equine events. You can also check online reviews or consult the American Farrier Association’s website to find certified farriers in your area. As always, make sure that you do your research before hiring any farrier, and be sure to ask for references from satisfied customers. Your horse’s hoof health is of the utmost importance, so it’s important to find a qualified professional who can provide quality care and service.

For more information on farrier services and how to find one in your area, visit the American Farrier Association website at

The Last Ride Arizona provides large animal removal services when it is time to say goodbye to your deceased pet or large animal. Contact us today, we can help. 



What is a Horse Farrier?

What is a Horse Farrier? A Horse Farrier is a skilled professional who cares for horses’ hooves. They trim, clean, and shape the horse’s hoof as needed. Depending on the type of care required, they may also use specialized tools to shape metal horseshoes to fit the individual horse’s needs. The farrier then nails these shoes onto the feet of the equine, ensuring that it has adequate support and protection against damage or injury on hard surfaces. In addition to these services, the farrier can provide advice on proper nutrition and exercise for optimal hoof health. They play an important role in keeping horses healthy and sound, so it’s important to find a qualified farrier when looking for quality farriery services.

How are farriers trained?

Farriers are trained in a variety of ways, from traditional apprenticeships to modern training schools and programs. Most farriers receive an apprenticeship from a qualified professional and spend some time shadowing experienced farriers before beginning their own practice. During this period, the apprentice learns how to care for horses’ hooves and prepare horseshoes that are custom-fitted to the horse. After completing their apprenticeship, farriers may opt to become certified by passing exams administered by organizations such as the American Farrier Association or the International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame. These certifications give farriers an edge when competing for business in a competitive market.

The Last Ride Arizona provides large animal removal services when it is time to say goodbye to your deceased pet or large animal. Contact us today, we can help. 



Losing a Horse, Mule, Donkey, Pony or other Large Animal

When a beloved horse, mule, donkey, pony, or any other large or small animal dies, the experience can be traumatic and overwhelming.

Losing a Horse, Mule, Donkey, Pony or other Large Animal might make you ask these questions: What do you do? How do you cope? Where do you turn for help? is here to help. The loss of a beloved horse, mule, donkey, pony, or any other large or small animal can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. The is here to help. We understand the pain of losing a pet and are dedicated to providing support and assistance during this difficult time. Our experienced team will work quickly and respectfully to remove your deceased pet or livestock. We are licensed by the State of Arizona and work directly with veterinarians and clinics to help make the death of your animal less stressful for you. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help.

We offer a range of services to help you through this difficult time, including:

  • Removing animals anytime & also by appointment.
  • Transportation for burial or cremation
  • Transportation to a facility for Necropsy
  • Transportation for any other plans or arrangements you have made for your pet.

No one should have to go through this alone. is here to help.

The Last Ride Arizona provides large animal removal services when it is time to say goodbye to your deceased pet or large animal. Contact us today, we can help. 



Do Horses Need Companionship?

Horses are large animals, and in the wild they live in herds.

Do Horses Need Companionship? In domestic settings, horses often don’t have the same opportunity to socialize. This can lead to problems with boredom, anxiety, and even aggression.

One way to help horses cope with living alone is to provide them with companionship, either in the form of another horse or a donkey. Donkeys are especially good companions for horses because they bond well and have a calming effect.

If you’re considering getting a companion for your horse, make sure to do your research and choose an animal that will be a good match.

You’ll also need to provide adequate space for both horses to roam and exercise.

In Arizona, horses are often kept as companions for other livestock such as cattle. This is because horses help to keep the other animals calm and can deter predators. If you have horses and other livestock on your property, make sure to provide plenty of space and resources so that everyone has enough to eat and drink.

The Last Ride Arizona provides large animal removal services when it is time to say goodbye to your deceased pet or large animal. Contact us today, we can help. 



Benefits of Owning a Donkey

There are many benefits of owning a donkey. Donkeys are very versatile animals and can be used for a variety of purposes. In Arizona, donkeys are often used as pack animals to carry large loads of gear or supplies. They are also used as working animals on farms and ranches.

Donkeys are very strong and can easily carry loads that weigh up to 200 pounds.

They are sure-footed and can navigate rough terrain with ease. They are also very intelligent animals and can be trained to do a variety of tasks.

Donkeys make great companion animals and are very loyal to their owners. They have gentle dispositions and are known for being affectionate and good-natured. Donkeys can live for more than 30 years, so owning one is a long-term commitment.

If you are thinking about owning a donkey, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, donkeys need plenty of space to roam and exercise. They also need access to food and water at all times. Donkeys should also be vaccinated against common diseases such as rabies and tetanus.

Overall, owning a donkey can be a very rewarding experience. These hardworking and intelligent animals make great companions and can be a valuable asset on any farm or ranch.

The Last Ride Arizona provides large animal removal services when it is time to say goodbye to your deceased pet or large animal. Contact us today, we can help. 



Common Horse Ailments: Colic

Considered to be the most deadly of conditions that can affect horses, colic is believed to affect around ten percent of horses within their lifetime. 

What is Colic?

Colic is a stomach ailment that may be caused from a variety of different factors, including intestinal impaction, sand ingestion, parasite infection, overeating grain and even just gas. 

How is Colic Treated and Prevented?

In some cases, colic cannot be prevented. In order to reduce the risk of your horse developing colic, however, you can take several steps. These include ensuring that water is always available to your horse, turning your horse out to pasture as frequently as possible and keeping your horse’s teeth floated. You should also avoid feeding hay on sandy ground and you should not feed grain to your horse unless it needs the extra energy. If you are going to make changes to your horse’s diet, you should make those changes gradually and you should also have a good insect control program in place. 

If you suspect that your horse has colic, you should contact your vet immediately and you should not allow your horse to eat or drink until after the vet has said it is okay. The treatment plan for colic will depend on the cause of the condition and can range from using medication to undergoing surgery.

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Common Horse Ailments: Streptococcus Equi

Many conditions can negatively affect the health of your horse. One of these conditions is streptococcus equi, which is also known as strangles. 

What is Strangles?

Strangles is a type of bacterial infection that affects the lymph nodes in a horse’s throat. With this condition, the infected nodes may actually burst. When this happens, the nodes release puss that then drains into the horse’s nose and beneath the jaw. The resulting swelling can lead to choking, hence the name of “strangles.”

How is Streptococcus Equi Treated and Prevented?

Streptococcus equ is easily transmitted between horses and the bacteria can live outside of the body for many days in the barn and on tack. Therefore, good hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of the bacteria. Horses also should not share the same water source or tack. Vaccinations are also available to help prevent the disease, but the vaccine does have adverse effects that may make it undesirable.

Treatment of the condition involves removing the puss from the lymph glands with a scope and then treating the area with a topical antibiotic. Anti-inflammatory medication may also be prescribed to help reduce fever and make your horse feel healthy enough to eat properly.

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Common Horse Ailments: Equine Herpesvirus

Properly caring for your horse means knowing about various ailments that may affect it. In this first of an ongoing series, we will take a closer look at some common ailments and the signs to look for, with the first condition being the equine herpesviruses.

What are Equine Herpesviruses?

There are several varieties of equine herpesvirus, with equine herpesvirus-4 being the most common equine virus in the world. The condition typically causes respiratory ailments and, on occasion, neurologic disorders. Equine herpesvirus-1 is also common and can lead to the same types of health conditions. Both strains are most commonly found in yearlings and weanlings. It is believed that older horses may be carriers without showing signs or symptoms. 

How is Equine Herpesvirus Treated and Prevented?

Prevention of equine herpesvirus includes vaccination, the use of hand sanitizers and the use of isolation when dealing with infected horses, and disinfecting common areas shared by your horses. You also should not share tack. 

If your horse becomes infected with equine herpesvirus, it will need to take medication to reduce the symptoms and antibiotics to prevent a secondary infection. If neurological deficits develop, a sling may be needed to keep the horse upright. In extreme situations, food and water may need to be given intravenously. 

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